What is the process for converting data from Tally 4.5 to Tally 9 (Data Migration / Data Conversion)?
Data Migration - converting Tally 4.5 data to Tally 9 Data
To migrate the data from Tally 4.5 to Tally 9
You will first need to convert the data of Tally 4.5 to Tally 7.2 compatible data using 'Tally 4.5 to Tally 7.2 Data Migration' utility.
Then migrate the Tally 7.2 compatible data to Tally 9 using 'Tally 7.2 to Tally 9 Data Migration' utility.
Conversion of date from Tally 4.5 to Tally 7.2 compatible data using 'Tally 4.5 to Tally 7.2 Data Migration' Utility
Download the Tally 4.5 data converter utility. You can get the conversion files from the Tally website i.e, go to http://www.tallysolutions.com/ > Select the Region: South Asia > Support > Click on Free Data Migration [a box as shown below, is available on the right side of the support screen]
Click on the Download button or Right click the following link and select Save Target As from the right click option. http://www.tally.co.in/Convert45to72.exe
Run the Convert45to72.exe and extract the files to a folder (Say 'C:\Tally 4.5)
Copy the extracted files to the directory where Tally 4.5 is installed
Run the file WCVTALLLY.EXE (the icon will be identical to Tally Icon). (You can also execute this file from command prompt
Click Start > Run > Type ’C:\
Company Info screen appears, select the company you want to migrate. You will be asked to confirm conversion, and the Data is converted.
Note: The Conversion utility will run in Black & White only (even if you have a Color Monitor.
Migrating Tally 7.2 compatible data to Tally 9 using 'Tally 7.2 to Tally 9 Data Migration' Utility
Install Tally 9
Now run 'TallyMigrateData' utility from Start > Programs > Tally 9 > TallymigrateData
Note: You can also run the migration utility by double clicking tally72migrate.exe file located in the folder where Tally 9 is installed.
The utility will launch Tally Data Migration Tool and Tally 9
Select 'Migrate Data' in the Migration Company screen
Specify the directory where Tally 7.2 compatible data (Tally 4.5 converted data) is located in the 'Directory' field
Select the company from the List of Companies
Data Migration utility loads the data of selected company and asks for confirmation
Select 'Yes' and start the migration of selected company
The status of migration from Tally 7.2 to Tally 8.1 / 9 is shown in the Migration Messages Pane
When the migration is complete, it displays an information pop-up, "Migration Completed Check Statistics (press any key)"
On pressing any key 'Congratulation' message appears confirming the completion of the migration of the data
[Note: If any error occurs during migration, it gets logged into a file 'migration.err', which is automatically generated and made available in the folder where Tally 9 is installed]
The migrated company is by default saved in the directory which was specified in the directory field (refer point 11 above). The migrated data is prefixed with a '0' and appears as a 5 digit number. For example, if the company folder number, before migration was '0099', after migration it would be '00099'.
Now your migrated data is ready for use in Tally 9
What is the process for converting data from Tally 5.4 to Tally 9 (Data Migration / Data Conversion)?
Data Migration - converting Tally 5.4 data to Tally 9 Data
To migrate the data from Tally 5.4 to Tally 9, follow the below mentioned steps.
Install Tally 9
Now run 'TallyMigrateData' utility from Start > Programs > Tally 9 > TallymigrateData
[Note: You can also run the migration utility by double clicking tally72migrate.exe file located in the folder where Tally 9 is installed]
The utility will launch Tally Data Migration Tool and Tally 9
Select 'Migrate Data' in the Migration Company screen
Specify the directory where Tally 5.4 data is located in the 'Directory' field (Say, 'C:\Tally54\data')
Select the company from the List of Companies
Data Migration utility loads the data of selected company and asks for confirmation
Select 'Yes' and start the migration of selected company
The status of is shown in the Migration Messages Pane
When the migration is complete, it displays an information pop-up, "Migration Completed, Check Statistics (press any key)"
On pressing any key 'Congratulation' message appears confirming the completion of the migration of the data
[Note: If any error occurs during migration, it gets logged into a file 'migration.err', which is automatically generated and made available in the folder where Tally 9 is installed]
The migrated company is by default saved in the Tally 5.4 data folder. The migrated data is prefixed with a '0' and appears as a 5 digit number. For example, if the company folder number, before migration was '0099', after migration it would be '00099'.
Now your migrated data is ready for use in Tally 9
What is the process for converting data from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9 (Data Migration / Data Conversion)?
Data Migration - converting Tally 7.2 data to Tally 9 Data
To migrate the data from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9, follow the below mentioned steps.
Install Tally 9
Now run 'TallyMigrateData' utility from Start > Programs > Tally 9 > TallymigrateData
[Note: You can also run the migration utility by double clicking tally72migrate.exe file located in the folder where Tally 9 is installed]
The utility will launch Tally Data Migration Tool and Tally 9
Select 'Migrate Data' in the Migration Company screen
Specify the directory where Tally 5.4 data is located in the 'Directory' field (Say, 'C:\Tally54\data')
Select the company from the List of Companies
Data Migration utility loads the data of selected company and asks for confirmation
Select 'Yes' and start the migration of selected company
The status of is shown in the Migration Messages Pane
When the migration is complete, it displays an information pop-up, "Migration Completed, Check Statistics (press any key)"
On pressing any key 'Congratulation' message appears confirming the completion of the migration of the data
[Note: If any error occurs during migration, it gets logged into a file 'migration.err', which is automatically generated and made available in the folder where Tally 9 is installed]
The migrated company is by default saved in the Tally 5.4 data folder. The migrated data is prefixed with a '0' and appears as a 5 digit number. For example, if the company folder number, before migration was '0099', after migration it would be '00099'.
Now your migrated data is ready for use in Tally 9